Jul 26, 2011

By: corrinajo | 1 comments

Markco's Corner: Warcraft Zombie Event

Zombies slouching with arms outstretched in unrelenting determination towards the targets of their burning hunger... bullets being fired by desperate defenders who have abandoned their defenses in order to make a run for it... the creaking of boarded up passages sagging under the weight of undead...

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If you couldn't tell... I LOVE THE ZOMBIE GENRE. Particularly the slow, shambling type zombies who require headshots and slowly overpower or outlast the defenders. You're probably wondering why I think that's freaking amazing story telling, but if you have read any of the more intelligent zombie books (I'm not kidding some are really well written and not just horror films on paper) you will find that the character development is phenomenal. How would you deal with the walking plague? Could you survive such a nightmare, watching your relatives and the rest of humanity save for a select few turn into monsters? It's fun to put yourself into the survivors' shoes and watch their minds unravel just as quickly as their hastily constructed defenses.

Oct 28, 2010

By: corrinajo | 0 comments

Secret Method to Earn Money on Your Blog

You're reading this blog, so you're most likely an active blogger. What was it that caused you to go from curious about blogging to starting one and avidly writing for it? Something sparked your interest and then you convinced yourself that this new internet toy was worth your time and effort.

Throughout your experiences here at The Traffic Blogger, you've seen me day in and day out trying to inspire you to drive traffic by leaving your site and bringing the traffic back to your blog. Earning money is the same philosophy. You need to go off your site and bring the real money earners to you. Especially early on when you really don't have a central message orproduct of your own.

How do you do this? You go to affiliate programs and established sites that provide you with all the tools you need to earn a revenue online. You won't make a million dollars, but you will sustain your blog and earn a decent living promoting valuable products that others have created.

When I first started blogging, that was the only way I made money. I interviewed high profile product owners and creators in order to share them with my audience. My first blog made 14 sales of a $37 product when it only had an audience of 400. My secret? A five paragraph interview with the creator. All I did was email him with a series of questions and then published his answers in an interview style of question then answer.

Go interview the creator or owner of a product you believe works and then share it with your audience. The fact is that this method works... it works quite well.

Oct 14, 2010

By: corrinajo | 0 comments

6 Step Guide to Scheduling Tweets in Advance

Hey everyone, I wanted to take time today to recommend a free twitter tool I use almost every day (you can also upgrade for more features). The tool in question is SocialOomph, and it happens to be my absolute favorite way to save tweets for future use.

Guide to Using SocialOomph
1. Select "Scheduled Updates -> Schedule New Update" from the main menu.
2. If using a draft, select it now. Otherwise, enter the text you'd like to tweet.
3. Press the "Shorten links" button in order to make any links you included less than 10 characters.
4. Scroll down and select the "Publish" check box (you can press "Publish Now" if you wanted to but that's not the point of this tutorial).
5. Enter the hours from now that you'd like to publish the tweet.
6. Click the "Save" button.

You're done! You can enter as many tweets and schedule them in the future with these six simple steps.
Aug 13, 2010

By: corrinajo | 0 comments

Twas the Night Before Glyph-Mas

itewolf, an admin from the JMTC forums, sent me this PM and I felt that I had to share. It is so perfect for tonight lol as we prepare for glyph and gem -mas.

'Twas the night before Glyph-mas and at all auction houses
Competition was stirring, (those idiot louses.)
The posters were lined up in cities with care,
In the hopes that the new patch soon would be there.
Oct 13, 2009

By: corrinajo | 0 comments

One Click Per Posting with Addons in Cataclysm

Why Was this Added

You can thank one of Just My Two Copper's forum admin Zerotorescue, myself and Basil from Wow.com's Gold Capped. Zero came up with QA3's plugin (this link is to the newer version that you will want to download for posting/canceling in 4.0.1), I wrote an article on how to use it and Basil wrote about it in order to get Blue attention on the subject. Within a week there was a new PTR build that addressed the issue in code changes to the auction house commands all our favorite addons use to post items with. I'm not sure if I should celebrate or weep however.


Since you will need to have a confirmation for every posting (that’s a single item or a single stack) in Cataclysm, most of these addons will simply add a Yes/No box similar to what Snatch scan in auctioneer uses already. You’ll hit Batch Post and then have to click Yes for every posting. Boo, Markco sad panda who needs hugs now.